After our class discussion yesterday, suggesting that ancient classical philosophy emerged from the mytho-poetic traditions of the ancient world has provided me with an opinion and an idea that I was able to apply to the world today. Let me explain more… The stories that arise from the mytho-poetic literature served as stimuli for the first philosophers to see themselves, their values and actions, being reflected in such stories. By ancient philosophers perceiving what was sublime in the stories they were able to identify the topics heroism, mysticism, obedience, etc. and were able to make them the hallmarks of their society by the constantly questioning. This is supported by what Patricia Curd’s Introduction to her book “A Presocratics Reader” mentions. She explains that the Presocratics did not see physics, math, engineering, art, philosophy, etc. as separate. Them not divide the knowledge perceived, tells us that it all the knowledge most have come from one source and then even...